• What should users pay attention to when choosing conference led display

  • 2023-01-06
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Now more and more display screens are entering the indoor conference room. When buying LED electronic display screens, the dot pitch, size and resolution of the LED display screen will affect an important factor in the price of the LED display screen. In practical applications, the smaller the resolution, the better the effect, but the screen size and application environment need to be considered comprehensively. The smaller the dot pitch of led electronic display products, the higher the resolution and the higher the price. When purchasing products, users should fully consider their application environment and planned budget, so as to avoid the dilemma of spending a lot of money but not achieving the expected results. So how to choose a small-pitch display for indoor conference LED?

Indoor meetings must first comprehensively consider the dot pitch and resolution of LED small-pitch display screens. Second, maintenance costs need to be fully considered. Users choose conference led display products not only to consider the purchase cost, but also consider the maintenance cost.

Finally, the compatibility of signal transmission is very important. There are various requirements for indoor signal access of conference LED small-pitch display screens, such as diversification, quantity and location dispersion, multi-signal screen display, and centralized management. Our indoor conferences should effectively use led small-pitch displays in actual operations. Transmission equipment cannot be underestimated. Not all small pitch LEDs are displayed on the market, and all LED displays on the market can meet the above requirements. Please avoid unilaterally focusing on the resolution of the product, and fully consider whether the existing signal equipment supports the corresponding video signal.

The small-pitch LED ultra-high-definition display and exquisite display attract users. The small-pitch LED adopts a new production process, which completely overcomes the failure of traditional SMD small-pitch to serve customers, and breaks through the small-size moisture-proof, dust-proof, and anti-collision small-pitch LED displays. The small-pitch maintenance operation is relatively simple, does not require tools, supports module and power supply maintenance, and is fast and low-cost.

160° large viewing angle and 16-bit high gray scale, indoor highlight display, excellent screen display effect, vivid picture. During the purchase process, customers must fully consider their actual application needs and screen from many aspects to avoid mistakes!



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