• The impact of wet weather on LED display screens and solutions

  • 2023-01-30
当前位置:首页 > News > The impact of wet weather on LED display screens and solutions

1. Moisture-proof indoor LED display

Indoor air humidity is lower than outdoor, waterproof and dustproof is much easier than outdoor screens. In order to prevent the abnormality of the LED display caused by the damp and cold indoor air, the following methods can be used to reduce the humidity.

1. Proper ventilation. Proper ventilation can help the water vapor attached to the display to evaporate quickly and reduce the relative humidity of the indoor environment However, avoid ventilation in some calm and humid weather, which will increase indoor humidity.

2. Place desiccant indoors. Through physical moisture absorption, reduce the moisture in the air and dry it indoors, so you don't have to worry about the display getting wet.

3. Turn on the air conditioner to dehumidify. If the air conditioner is installed in the space where the display screen is installed, the air conditioner can be turned on for dehumidification in humid weather.

LED display

2. Outdoor LED display is moisture-proof

The environment of the outdoor LED display itself is more complicated than that of the indoor. Of course, moisture-proof measures for indoor screens can also be used to prevent moisture, but outdoor screens must not only consider moisture problems, but also waterproof, dustproof and other daily maintenance work. A good sealing installation can help the display screen reduce the risk of water ingress, regularly clean the dust attached to the inside and outside of the display screen, and also help the display screen to dissipate heat better and reduce the adhesion of water vapor.

In short, the most effective way to prevent damp and cold from damaging the display function is to use it frequently. The display screen itself in the running state will generate some heat and volatilize some water vapor, which greatly reduces the probability of short circuit caused by damp and cold. Therefore, a monitor that is used frequently will have much less of a humidity effect than a monitor that is not used frequently.


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