• Introduce several methods to identify the quality of LED display

  • 2023-03-06
当前位置:首页 > News > Introduce several methods to identify the quality of LED display

There are all kinds of LED products in the market, and the LED display screens with huge price differences have caused headaches for many buyers. In addition to paying attention to whether the price is worth the money, I am more concerned about whether it is useful to buy it back? How to identify the quality of the LED display? Because each manufacturer will be divided into different grades in the specific production process, the quality is different, and the price of the LED display is also different. So what are the LED display identification methods?

Is it antistatic

The application rate of this trick is not high, and the reason is that it is not easy to distinguish. But for professionals, the electrostatic method is a common method to identify the quality of LED displays. LED is driven by low voltage and has sensitive anti-static ability for high voltage. The greater the antistatic, the higher the price of the LED display.

ball screen display

Bright spot screening method

This trick is very simple, and it is also a very practical identification method. At present, most beginners will choose this method when buying LED displays. Intuitive visual LED screen if the light is very soft and full, then the quality is generally acceptable. Because LED is a device that converts electrical energy into light energy, the higher the luminous efficiency, the better the quality.


LED will produce wave band after emitting light. The band will show very different wavelengths from near to far. A good LED display has certain standards for the wavelength. For example, a display with the same wavelength will display a very soft and full picture. If there is a large difference in wavelength, the LED screen will show a certain color difference.

LED light angle

Light angle is also an effective method to distinguish the quality of LED display, and this method can be learned by almost everyone. Take an LED product and observe the display screen. Observe from different angles and observe for 20 seconds respectively. If the angle is different, the color is still the same. Then this LED display is very good.

LED service life

A good LED display will last for a long time, so you can pay attention to the quality of LED chips, brackets, and gold wires.

The above is the method of distinguishing the quality of LED display screens. Friends who are interested can collect them, so that they will not be fooled when buying LED products in the future.




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